Did you know that we still need wisdom in order to succeed in life? We need knowledge too, but wisdom is how we use knowledge.

The wisdom of the ages, the spiritual wisdom of the ancients speak not only to and for the human soul, but to his or her spirit as well. This is not about the dogmatic religious faiths and believes, devoid of any profound interpretation, but about the wisdom of all religions, philosophies and cultures.

So let’s drink from the wine of the sages!

pamant, proprietar, economia distributiva
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Pamantul nu este al nostru, noi suntem ai Pamantului

Intr-un articol anterior am spus ca exista doua tipuri de gandiri umane: gandirea lumeasca (lumea) si gandirea planetara (planeta). Astazi vreau sa revin asupra subiectului si sa reflectam asa: exista doua mentalitati in aceasta…
7 legi hermetice ale universului, 7 legi ale universului
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Cele 7 legi hermetice ale Universului

   Exp.19, arta digitala de Fractamonium Hermetismul, sau stiinta hermetica, isi are originile dincolo de spatiu si timp, in Cunoasterea Universala care se afla in tot ceea ce este creat, in intreg Universul in profunzimile…
filozofia asiatica, fizica cuantica
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Fizica cuantica si filozofia asiatica – partea II

Cunoasterea lumii in China Antica provine din Tao, acea sursa misterioasa a Creatiei care este prezenta in totul, de la materia neinsufletita la fiintele umane sub forma de energie. Yin-yang, tipurile generice care denota opozitii dependente…
fizica cuantica, filozofia asiatica
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Fizica cuantica si filozofia asiatica – partea I

Albert Einstein, Werner Heisenberg, Erwin Schrödinger si aproape toti ceilalti pionieri in fizica cuantica au fost captivati de gandirea chineza si indiana. Einstein a adus omagii Bhagavad Gitei, iar activitatea lui Schrödinger…
law of attraction, success
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Law of Attraction Unveiled

A lot has been said and written about the now so famous law of attraction, both good and bad, positive and negative information, correct and incorrect, according to some, and I think it’s high time we speak about this as well. We’ve put the above quote as a motto for our article, here, and we’ll start from there.
nemurirea, spiritualitate, constiinta

Nemurirea – 3 argumente din partea fizicii cuantice

Am fost invatati ca suntem doar o colectie de celule si ca vom muri atunci cand trupurile noastre se vor descompune...
zen, meditatie

Un pic de mila – 101 povestiri zen

Pe vremuri, traia in China o batrina care, de peste douazeci de ani, intretinea un calugar. Ii construise un chiosc in care medita...