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Is it nature or nurture?

Last Updated on August 1, 2016 by Patrick

I think it’s both.

I was reading an article on the myth of talent and this just struck me. We are indeed born with our talents, whatever those may be, but I think their in a state of potentialities meaning they’re not yet developed. They’re just like muscles, or any kind of instrument, I think, that atrophies if it’s not used at all. But still, you won’t lose it. It’ll be in the same potential state as ever.

So, do we need to nurture them? Indeed. But I limit myself to saying that it’s everyone’s choice whether one wants to do this or not. We have the free will and if we choose to develop our skills, they will grow, they will mature and we’ll all benefit from this. We’ll live a life truly on purpose.

It’s in this choice also to be able to break the bonds of the so-called limitations of ourselves. If we have something that we are not good at and no matter how much we try, we are not going to be able to do it, to succeed in what we want then that doesn’t mean it’s impossible. But isn’t this paradoxical? I mean, do we really want to do something and to find out a few moments later that we can’t do it, we are not good at? Isn’t this coming from somewhere within ourselves, like a calling? Or is it just egoic desire that is temporary and has nothing to do with one’s conscience, or Soul? These questions are really interesting! I will talk about them in future posts here.

These limitations I am talking about are mostly, from my experience, mental limitations. Creeds and belief systems that we have accumulated through the course of time. They became habits and later on, our characters within ourselves that made us believe that which they believe. I think these characters do not belong to us or have nothing to do with us, with our true nature. They’re rather distinct from us, yet they are within us.

If I say that I can’t do a particular thing and that it’ll be impossible for me to do it, due to my limitations, if I say that, for example, I won’t be able to fly a plane or ride a horse it’s only because of what I believe. I have fears, doubts, preconceived ideas about these activities, so to speak, and these make me incapable of perfoming those.

Again, I come back to the choice thing. If I chose to radically change the way I think about, say, flying a plane and actually start learning, open-minded, and then take it to the air, I will find that there’s no such thing as being impossible to fly a plane, or ride a horse.

And I also think that if we are present enough in our lives we will be able to accomplish anything. That is the malleability of the consciousness. :)

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