Finding inspiration in the World of Photography.

Winter Sketches Photography E-book for sale
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Winter Sketches Photography E-book for sale

Hey guys and gals! Nice to see you again. :D Today I'm going to present you my latest photography e-book (yes, you guessed it, I wrote a book, but it's a photography book, actually :D ) which is appropriate for this season (we are in winter…
Photography of Music: Encore for Life

Photography of Music: Encore for Life

Life isn't about finding yourself. Life is about creating yourself. George Bernard Shaw. I was told, one day, that the saddest thing is not that people are dying, but that people don't live at all. I was also told that we go through life…
Fotografia Muzicii: Sustenabilitatea Vietii

Fotografia Muzicii: Sustenabilitatea Vietii

Viata este mai mult decat cresterea vitezei sale. Mahatma Gandhi. Vorbeam, la un moment dat, despre sustenabilitatea Naturii si, in acest caz, desigur, despre capacitatea Mamei Pamant de a se sustine pe sine si pe noi, si ceea ce am subliniat,…
Schite de Iarna: Suflu Iernatic

Schite de Iarna: Suflu Iernatic

Dupa cum mi-am propus am si fost raplatit. Dar totusi, iata povestea: Am nevoie sa ajung undeva.. intr-un loc destul de indepartat unde ma pot odihni cat vreau.. un loc pentru mine, cu un pat cald, o masa, niscaiva scaune, un frumos acoperis…
Fotografia Muzicii: Misterul Evident

Fotografia Muzicii: Misterul Evident

Unde cuvintele dau gres, muzica vorbeste. Hans Christian Andersen. Cand am inceput proiectul "Fotografia Muzicii" nu am stiut la ce sa ma astept, dar am simtit nevoia sa-l realizez si am avut in minte un singur scop, o singura nazuinta: stiam…
Autumn Pastels: That Book..

Autumn Pastels: That Book..

Never confuse a single defeat with a final defeat. F. Scott Fitzgerald. If you know how to read Nature as a book, then you will know Her signs. So said many who have returned to Nature in order to return to themselves. They left to do a work…
Autumn Pastels: Mistify the Colours

Autumn Pastels: Mistify the Colours

Where there is ruin, there is hope for a treasure. Rumi. Among the many phenomena we encounter in the autumn, the fog, the mist, the dampness, the late autumn hoarfrost, forgotten, shall we say, aspects by the arch-complicated mind of the…