Tag Archive for: sunset

The Hues: Nuances of Warm Whisps

The Hues: Nuances of Warm Whisps

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The Hues: Nuances of Warm Whisps

Sunset at Monoliths’ Beach – digital painting

Today I am proud to present my first finished digital painting called "Sunset at Monoliths' Beach". It took me a while to post this presentation. It is painted entirely in Adobe Photoshop using a Wacom Pen Tablet. I had this vision…
The Hues: Nuances of Warm Whisps

You are in front of the photograph

Everytime you go out and shoot, remember this: you are in front of the photograph. Whenever you are there, in the fields with your photo gear, you are not paying attention to yourself, so do it. You could say now "I am paying attention to…
The Hues: Nuances of Warm Whisps

Sunset at Monoliths’ Beach – Work in progress III

And here I am with my newest instalment of my work in progress series of the Sunset at Monoliths' Beach. :) Finally, after quite a long while I have put down the details on the canvas. I am really pleased with the result. So, I've decided…
The Hues: Nuances of Warm Whisps

Sunset at Monoliths’ Beach – Work in progress II

Continuing with my composition and improving it. This is the second step I took, detailing it more. Nevertheless, I worked very little on the sky. In my next installment of this "work in progress" series I will work on the sky more.…
The Hues: Nuances of Warm Whisps

Sunset at Monoliths’ Beach – Work in progress I

Well, it was about time I post my work in digital arts. It's a digital landscape painting that I've just started working on. It's called "Sunset at Monoliths' Beach". This is entirely done in Photoshop. I started as usual with the…