Tag Archive for: music

Photography of Music: Give or Take

Photography of Music: Give or Take

Men should stop treating feminists like ladies and instead treat them like the men they say they want to be. Phillis Schlafly. I keep looking down when I photograph. It's as if I wanna avoid what's going on on the surface, even looking people…
Photography of Music: Sliding in Change, Sliding out of Forgetfulness

Photography of Music: Sliding in Change, Sliding out of Forgetfulness

Never lose an opportunity of seeing anything beautiful, for beauty is God's handwriting. Ralph Waldo Emerson. People have forgotten the old ways, you know. They've forgotten where they came from. The past is not what it seems, for its entire…
Photography of Music: Common Sense, by the numbers

Photography of Music: Common Sense, by the numbers

The time you enjoy wasting is not wasted time. Bertrand Russell Freeloading is a mess, really.. and I think that when dust settles on a surface somewhere is because the activity there is dulled out already and, one may say, entropy has taken…
Photography of Music: Utter Symphony

Photography of Music: Utter Symphony

Between stimulus and response there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and our freedom. Victor E. Frankl. In the previous chapter I talked about the concept and about the impressions…
Photography of Music: Loud Noise is No Voice

Photography of Music: Loud Noise is No Voice

Boundedness is the one who suffers. Boundlessness rests in the calmness of serenity. Ralph Waldo Emerson. I admit, I started seeing the world out there, and photography turned my head around and not about, but within... and a voice was crying…
Music of Photography: Cognitive Dissonance and Being

Music of Photography: Cognitive Dissonance and Being

Music in movies is all about dissonance and consonance, tension and release. Quincy Jones. I was at a job interview recently. The general manager there asked me some questions that really struck a chord within me and made me experience my…
10 human needs education should consider

10 human needs education should consider

Written by Solomon Marcus, mathmatician, titular member of The Romanian Academy. He taught as a professor at the Faculty of Mathematics at the University of Bucharest. He wrote many books regarding the use of mathematics in linguistics, in…