Tag Archive for: low-key

Geometry of Chaos

Geometry of Chaos

Something happens in Nature that evades our perceptions, things that we often overlook. But Nature is alive and vibrant, even if Her music has a different level of vibration than we can perceive, on a different scale we are not yet tuned to,…
The Music: A Poetic Chant

The Music: A Poetic Chant

Simplicity is the final achievement. After one has played a vast quantity of notes and more notes, it is simplicity that emerges as the crowning reward of art. Frederic Chopin. One of the most beautiful works of musical art that inspired me…
Music of Photography: Cognitive Dissonance and Being

Music of Photography: Cognitive Dissonance and Being

Music in movies is all about dissonance and consonance, tension and release. Quincy Jones. I was at a job interview recently. The general manager there asked me some questions that really struck a chord within me and made me experience my…
Geometria Haosului – proiect fotografic

Pasteluri de Toamna – partea intai

"Toamna se numara bobocii" - spun unii. Eu spun ca toamna se numara culorile. Dar cel mai interesant este jocul de culori si lumini in fotografia de toamna. Am plecat la fotografiat dinnou cu anumite concepte in minte, cu anumite idei…
Geometria Haosului – proiect fotografic

Shooting with an empty sky

A lot of photographers have asked themselves at least once in their photography careers about shooting with an empty sky, with a blue sky with no clouds and having nothing interesting, especially those who are doing landscape photography had…
Geometria Haosului – proiect fotografic

Geometria Haosului – proiect fotografic

In primavara anului 2014 am facut o mica excursie pe partea vestica a Muntilor Baiului, pe Valea Rea. Foarte putine fotografii am reusit sa postez pe site si nici una in jurnal, din pacate, lucru care m-a facut sa revin la ele. Atunci am reusit…