Is religion to be feared?
Last Updated on August 1, 2016 by Patrick
Religion is a very tight topic, nowadays, isn’t it? Well, I think it’s about time I state my views on these matters.
People, nowadays, fear religion more than anything in the world and this, I think, is because they fear religion being imposed upon them. The funny thing is there are two extremes in this situation, though. There are people who embrace religion in such a way because they see no other way of freeing themselves from the adversities that come in their lives, and then they become monks, for example, and people who don’t want anything to do with religion, either being atheists, agnostic or violently resenting God, for example, or people who think that religion and God, the Divinity, or however they call it, are somethings outside themselves, out there, in the external world. None of them understand, it seems.
As I saw, they are all reactions to others imposing their belief systems upon them. Look what happened in the Middle Ages, for example, with the crusades, the inquisitions and the murder of so many strong believers and practitioners of religion as heretics. History is full of examples. The only problem is it’s hard to find a book, a manual of real history in the world, these days. They’re all modified to some extent that I don’t think they show what really happened in the past anymore.
More than this, there are so many misunderstandings about religion as many people are in the world, I think. Another example is that people tend to confuse religion with the institution so-called “the church”. I think it is about time we find the real history of this topic and verify ourselves what happened in the past. The Christian World is the best example for this, because Christianity is the biggest religion, or wing of religion nowadays, in the world. Here, we can study what really happened in the dawn of Christianity. Why do we have to pass by the church for redemption? There we can find the answer.
But can we find the real history of religion? Yes we can. We, the Romanians, had a great scientific mind and religios seeker in the person of Mircea Eliade. He is to be refered here. He wrote a four volume history of religious creeds and ideas and he touches the very topic of Christianity in one, or some of them.
Also, thanks to many researchers we can even find a great deal of video documentaries on the web about this. Here are some examples: “Mysteries of the Gospel: Who was Jesus?” , “Osiris and Christianity” , “Mystery of the Essenes” etc. So, as you see, there are a lot of information out there which talk about the latest discoveries that contradict the written so-called history that hid so many necessary and vital information from us. All we have to do is to verify, to study and draw our own conclusions.
Another thing is that scientists, especially from the 20th century to nowadays, in the 21st century, turned to the wisdom of the ages, to religious believes to understand what they are researching, the mysteries of life and death, the mysteries of the Universe etc. There are people like Albert Einstein, Edgar Cayce, Nikola Tesla and many others who have proven that are profoundly religious people, but in a scientific way. For example, Einstein used to say: “I want to learn to think like God. All else is details.” Many of his discoveries were inspired by a higher consciousness, shall I say, by what we call God. His works are marvelous in the scientific world, and scientists nowadays are struggling to understand what he left to humanity, his writings etc.
I recently saw a very interesting documentary called Thrive which I absolutely loved. Among other things they describe the similarities between messages left by the extraterrestrials and religious hieroglyphs all around the world, both in the Western part of our planet and in the Eastern part. And that was what struck me the most about this topic and I realised furthermore, because I am studying these things for many years now, that all of us are speaking the same language and that there is only one knowledge. All of the patterns, the symbols and their artistic depictions mean to show us what we have within us. We are practically made of the same matter, consciousness and energy as the whole Universe. The Macrocosmos and Microcosmos are the same. We are all the same and the Universe is our home, just as our heart is. So, why are we fighting among each other?
Did we meditate on this? Did we reflect on this? For example, the Seal of Solomon contains so much information about how the world functions and how we function as individuals. Symbols that are dual, like the symbol of the serpent, which many people are affraid of, means to tell us about the fire within everything that lives, within everything that was, is and will be created. Scientists today discovered that it is the fire that gives and sustains life. Not to mention thousand year-old chinese traditional medicine that tells us about the same thing, and about the relationship between fire and the other four elements (water, wood, earth and metal – or water, air, earth and ether).
While I was photowalking in Bucharest (and I think I wrote somewhere here, in an article before, about this) I discovered something very interesting that later today inspired me to write this post, about the symbols that we ignore and are out there.
I passed by a building, downtown Bucharest, and I noticed this beautiful and solitary, I should say, artistic decoration and motif depicting a flower with six petals. Nothing really fancy and even though it attracted my attention, it didn’t mean much to me, then. I made a few shots and moved on. I forgot to mention that I was with a friend of mine, photowalking. We both share the same passion, which is good. :)
So, our main destination was the Patriarchate Hill and Domains in the center of our city. We got there photowalking our way to it. :D Another thing we saw was this interesting window decoration that looked like a six-rays star. Again, it struck me. I was starting to question what is going on. Meaningful yes and I artistically made the following shot:
While we were there we tried our best to make interesting and meaningful images. Actually, most of them don’t mean much, except the usual architecture and the landscape of those places. Nothing more meaningful than this, though.
After a while we decided to enter one of the churches to visit it and after that we headed to the left and found three stone crosses, the middle one being taller than the other two, hidden, somehow, from the visitors, in a garden. It was like they were left there and forgotten and that made me question this.
I tried a few shots and when I got home, picked the best of them and turned it into a black and white.
I was really surprised by the fact that people forgot all about these ancient symbols and that these symbols seen there were on the so-called Christian cross. I mean, these symbols are hebrew and muslim alike. Appearantly, they have nothing to do with these two religions. But in the essence they do. All of them speak of the same thing, even if there are some differences in how the symbols are drawn. By the way, look at the other symbols on the big cross! They look like runes or chinese, japanese symbols to me. But actually they are greek. I was amazed and I didn’t know what to say…
But instead, all we think of is how much money are we going to make, or how much are we going to benefit from the business that we are doing and all of these. Have we forgotten something? :| I think we do.
I, myself, want to get back to nature and the best way I can do this is by studying my own nature and the so-called external nature as well. Us, nature lovers have a way of extracting wisdom, knowledge even from a tiny bug or dead bush in the desert or steppe, or from a snowflake.
Follow your own nature! That is my advice. Verify yourself all the mysteries of the world. Don’t be affraid of religion because no-one can force you to become a monk or a priest if you don’t want to. That is only your choice and that’s all there is to it. If that is what you want, so be it. But religions is not about becoming a monk only. It’s about many other things as well.
It’s a shame that people attach themselves to anything to escape their problems instead of confronting them. I chose to confront them. What did you choose? I am interested in finding out. :D
To great problems, great solutions.. a wise man used to say. He was right about us. Fear has made us make decisions that aren’t going to provide us happiness, understanding and equilibrium in our lives. They’re only temporary extremes.
And what’s next? How long are we going to postpone our happiness? Clock is ticking! :)
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