Professor Florian Colceag: “I can prove that God exists and acts” – first part

Professor Florian Colceag: “I can prove that God exists and acts” – first part

Last Updated on May 4, 2016 by Patrick

GodDear friends, I invite you to read an interview with Professor Florian Colceag, mathmatician and geniuses’ coach in Romania. Although this interview has been taken in 2013, I am sure it will still be useful to you:

“Florian Colceag doesn’t tear lightly, but the reporter’s question unleashes emotions that he simply cannot control any longer.

The room is filled with the yellow, deceptive light of the day, as if it would be the beginning of summer and winter would not summon more insistently coats to stay out of wardrobes. In an undertone, several classical music arrangements leave the speakers of the television set, sabotaging the raw peace of the spartan decorations before sneaking unseen in the corners of the room.

The man looks to one side, escaping the prying eyes of his interlocutor, gathering himself mumbles subtly: forgive me…

Then, repeats almost mechanically the question, searching for a bit more time to gather his thoughts. ‘What determined me not to give up? You know, I promised my mother, on her death bed, that I will not give up trying to do something for my country. I will never forget this commitment.’

Florian Colceag was born in 1951, in Novaci, Gorj County, and he coaches geniuses. He has dozens of gold medals gained by the olympics he guided at given times during international mathematics competitions. He is the president of an association for gifted children and probably the only teacher in Romania who doesn’t educate but guides.

He doesn’t sleep more than four hours a night, his mobile phone keeps ringing, and in the courtyard of his house near Bucharest he could be mistaken for a kind of modern Epicurus, who gathers his disciples for a chat about the simple and forgotten beauty of life. What are you? A mathematician, psychopedagogist, geniuses’ coach?

Florian Colceag: I’m a peasant. Peasant?

Florian Colceag: Yes, I’m a peasant who became a mathematician, a mathematician who became a psychopedagogist and a psychopedagogist who became an economist. But at the basis I am a peasant and it seems absolutely normal to me to admit it. I love my country, I love nature. This is what defines a peasant, the love for what surrounds him?

Florian Colceag: The love for Nature and the love for the country. Eventually, the peasants are the sole of the country, right? Do you still work the land, at the moment?

F.C.: When I have the time, it delights me.

D0: Are both your hands skilled for this?

F.C.: They are and it is wonderful.

D0: Do you have a garden here, at Mogosoaia?

F.C.: A small garden. We also have a greenhouse.

D0: What do you plant?

F.C.: Tomatoes.

D0: Do you eat them?

F.C.: Of course. They’re very good.

D0: What is a genius, mister Colceag? How do you see the genius from the position of the man working with gifted young people?

F.C.: In general, the genius is confirmed by history. Rarely anyone is found to be brilliant during their life. What he or she did, what he or she discovered confirms one’s genius. It is always like this, post factum. But now, from the point of view of the professional working with people with very high skills, I can say that these people, who have the potential to be recognized later as geniuses, made a commitment, they have a desire for knowledge and a huge intellectual openness. They’re practically unstoppable in their desire to solve problems, to find the best solutions and to break the gates of knowledge.

god exists, god, florian colceag, genius

Otherwise, they are as normal as possible. Geniuses are, first of all, extremely modest people. If we ask a genius if he is a genius, will answer: ‘no’. He will say that he’s an absolutely ordinary man and he would be right. Geniuses are people who know their place and here comes the sphere of knowledge of Plato: ignorants have the sphere of knowledge greatly reduced, but also their contact with the unknown is very small, and because of this they think that if they will find out a few more things they will, in fact, know everything.

D0: They have little doubts, ultimately…

F.C.: That’s right.

D0: … while, on the other hand, a genius has many. Is that what you are saying?

F.C.: Not necessarily doubts. A genius has openings, enormously more openings. Basically, understanding more, vibrating and resonating to everything, he is, firstly, impressed by the huge, incredible and infinite complexity of the universe, of its harmony and is continually put to the challenge to overcome his or her own limits and specie boundaries.

Do not forget that we have a limited organism and our powers are limited. We evolve to increase our limits, to further our boundaries. This is why a genius is modest. He knows he is at the edge of human possibilities to solve problems.

D0: In other words, he understand his insignificant position in the general landscape of things?

F.C.: Of course. As human, you are nothing in the face of every time infinity, but you are extremely important in certain moments. Because this tiny, this minute in the whole entirety, can provide something: sustainability. And so geniuses are extremely responsible.

D0: Do you think we are all part of a mechanism, small cogs in a universal machine that rotates endlessly?

F.C.: Yes, I am convinced. Only, we are not some small cogs, we are the mechanical model itself. If you want, we are the cells of a bigger organism. It is rather a fractal module of biological type. People belong to mankind, mankind belongs to an ecosystem, and so on. Here everyone has niche responsibilities of its own. After beginning to study carefully the composition of ecosystems and it was agreed that the planet is alive and that, in fact, the planetary metabolism exists and everything that happens to the substances on the planet is part of the planetary metabolism, the reconfiguration of people’s way of thinking began.

We became increasingly aware that we are part of a highly complex system and that we have responsibilities towards this system. Unfortunately, this happened recently. It has not even been a century since the shaping of this image began.

D0: Why do you say ‘unfortunately’?

F.C.: Because people are still going by the old paradigms and manage to destroy the environment. Let me give you an example that should be known by everyone. I was watching recently the political actions of the current (nowadays former – translator’s note) government of Victor Ponta and in particular with respect to shale gases and cyanide mining at Rosia Montana. Their pursuit of profit, going after bribes, getting their hands on something before everything cracks – which is seen from the fact that everyone buys land to sell it later, to trade and speculate, whereas, in fact, it’s a bloody speculation – their chase, therefore, shows that they cared for nothing and do not care for anything at all. But they never think about the fact that the wheels are turning.

D0: Can you be more specific?

F.C.: In the moment in which Romania is exposed to the toxic pollution with the two technologies, cyanides and the chemical substances from the shale gases, the bees die. It is already a phenomenon happening worldwide. We are one of the few countries with a huge potential that no politician sees: we still have bees. And we have quite a lot.

D0: Is the bee a more important resource than gold?

F.C.: It is enormously! More, much more! Infinitely more! First of all, because along with the death of the bees one can no longe do farming, for we have no fruits. Bees are the ones that pollinate everything. Romania, having a clean environment, of which it should take intensely care, it could be the food supplier of Europe, given the fact that bees are dying elsewhere because of industrial pollution. This would mean that we could get rid of all crises with ease.

god, god exists, florian colceag, genius

But this exact thing we cannot do because we are selling our lands for nothing, we pollute the environment and destroy it which will cause the opposite effect. The ones who will buy the lands, knowing that they are productive, will fool themselves once the bees begin to die. And this will occur because of the exploitation of shale gas and because of Rosia Montana.

So, instead of buying a land which is fertile and prosperous and can produce anything, will buy a semi desert. And those who turned Romania into a semi-desert will be seen, of course, with little forbearance by others, extorted, deceived and robbed by our politicians. And so, I don’t know in which rat or snake holes will these politicians hide in the moment in which the mobsters who bought their lands will look for them.

D0: Maybe you are wrong starting from the premise that most people know the circuit you expose.

F.C.: It no longer matters, willy-nilly this will become visible in a short term. In France there are half the bees. Bees are dying from pollution and virosis. The only protection against this virosis is a clean environment. But we restarted the polluting industry. From this moment on I don’t see Romania well or those who sold, betrayed her and turned her to dust.

D0: Does this mean that you don’t see the industrial world well, in general?

F.C.: No. It means that the industrial world is changing and that new technologies appear. It is the period when the economic cycle launches new generations of non-invasive technologies. They no longer have both the ability to destroy and unbalance the environment. But we, instead of focusing on developing new technologies, we hasten to destroy the environment, the country, the nation, the culture.

Speaking of geniuses, we discussed earlier: people who have high skills, culture and understanding, I can make connections. But this is precisely why they are inconvenient. Look at Eminescu, who was very inconvenient and upset a lot of people at that time. Similarly, Coşbuc. He was very bothered. Both were taken off the sidelines and helped to die.

D0: Sounds like a theory of conspiracy…

F.C.: Unfortunately, it is not about the theory of conspiracy, it’s about the cultural models a nation has and which makes it gravitate around the same fixed point. From time to time we reach again the same states and the same periods of time. The wheel turns, but still in the same situations. When did it happen to have such a massive sale of land? In 1907. And what did Coşbuc write back then? “Giveth not God the Saintly that we should want blood, not land! When we’ll no longer endure, when famine will revolt us, Christs may thou be, ye will not escape even in the grave.”

So, if a popular reaction against the politicians who sell everything starts, we’ll have a second 1907. What happened at Pungeşti is a first signal. That’s how it was back then, also. The Romanian people’s way of thinking stays the same. It wasn’t destroyed by Hollywood either, nor was it mislead by all sorts of precepts. Romanians kept their culture and they continue to be peasants.

D0: The poem you mentioned was intensely used by the communist propaganda for demonizing the monarchy. And communism came bundled with a horrific industrialization…

F.C.: Of course.

D0: …far from the industrialization you speak of, an environment friendly one.

F.C.: Certainly.

D0: So, it depends on what happens after these kind of movements, who capitalizes their image.

F.C.: That is right, and exactly what I wanted to tell you. Take a good look that this is what the politicians want: to repeat communism. Everything that has happened in recent years under Basescu’s hand, the politicization of administration, politicization of education, health politicization, the politicization of sectors that have nothing to do with politics, it is a faithful repetition of what happened after 1947.

We fall into the same traces. But politicians don’t think that they can slip into the same traces and can burn themselves. Romanians never thought about what must be done till now, because they didn’t have enough knowledge.

D0: As an effect of the so-called exodus of the brains?

F.C.: You see? High intelligences are inconvenient. Ours took measures to get rid of them and got rid of as many as they could. Now would be the time to collect the fruits. This is how much they’ve worked to get rid of the brains, how much they’ve worked to steal and gather a lot of money!

There are more than a thousand billion euros gone in the last twenty years, from Romania, money that is not in accounting. This means over a third of the gross domestic product a year stolen each year. And they did it in various ways, bankrupting the enterprises, selling them to scrap and so on. But this is the result.

D0: It is not specific only to Romania. Look at all the other post-communist countries.

F.C.: You asked the question about the theory of conspiracy: we are now in the moment in which we see not only that it happened, but it continues to happen. We see European countries falling, falling ugly and disastrous. Germans already bought Greece.

D0: If you allow me a joke, might not even be so bad. Do you find Germany a bad model of a country?

F.C.: It’s not a problem of administration. Germany has administrated Bulgaria at a time when the country was bankrupt and it didn’t do it badly. The problem is though, that we destroy a culture. And this is a very serious thing. You see, people are more smart, less smart, more ethical, less ethical, but culture has very old roots. Culture is the only value that we keep over time and which gives us not only identity, but also a functional role among the other nations.

I am a peasant. My grandmother was a peasant. I learned from her a lot of things. I got to know a culture with Neolithic roots, with a common sense and an absolutely incredible wisdom. This common sense and this wisdom are the diamonds which we should continue to use because the subcultures that have appeared are harmful. We are losing the common sense specific to an ancient culture.

And the big problem is losing this cultural baggage, whereas through this ancient baggage we used to have a good relationship with the environment and we returned to the environment. We were managers of the earth, not its destroyers. We were the people of the earth, not only the earth was ours. We were supporters of the ecosystem and the earth.

D0: Was this cultural philosophy altered?

F.C.: It was altered so badly that now we destroy everything. And we destroy our cultural model that could allow a normal relationship with the environment and that is a solution to global, general problems.

Think of the drama that took place when Tibet was conquered by China and the locals fled here and there, and everywhere. They spread the Buddhist cultural nucleus in the world. Before this, Buddhism was a local religion, and now has become a principal religion of utmost importance. The Tibetans had a cultural core crystallized and came up with principles that matched the existing problems. They made a huge contribution, managing to balance something of the colossal decisional imbalance.

We also have some cultural resources that we lose before being valued. This brain exodus, after decades of communism, no longer produces a dissemination of the culture of common sense that would give us a chance to resist as a specie, to not destroy ourselves. And herein lies our big problem: we need geniuses.”

To be continued…

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