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Ideology comes from within – part I

Last Updated on August 1, 2016 by Patrick

Back a few hundred years ago the “Industrial Revolution” started and with it, a new era in mankind’s social, psychological and economical life. Many people today heard of this age that very much changed the way we think, feel and act. It was a kind of ideology that would wipe out the so-called taboos that we had until then and also it should have had the purpose of making our life better by the use of technology and with it we would have exited the ignorance of the black medieval age. I remember I saw recently a series of documentaries about the mind of the Middle Ages and how people used to think back then. But little, if not none whatsoever, was spoken of the enlightened wise minds of that period of time, such as Leonardo Da Vinci, Dante Alighieri, Rafael Sanzio, Michaelangelo, Nicolas Flamel, Fulcanelli, Isaac Newton and many more.

But very little is known about this type of “revolution”, about its true purpose and about its outcomes. Not much was spoken back then, and very little now. I had the opportunity of studying it, especially it’s effects on us, on our social life, on our economy and so on. I don’t think that this “Industrial Revolution” ended. We are still in this age and more of it we feel day by day. I think it is ever increasing and nowadays we feel the power and speed of this industrialization on our very lives.

A few years ago I saw this very interesting documentary called Home and it gave me a ray of hope which I later harvested it into what I’m talking about especially on this blog. I chose to develop this issue and study it every day and put it in practice. It became a way of life, actually and a very fulfilling one. Nevertheless, there are people who are very trapped into the world of consumerism, of working from nine to five, of spending their lives living to go to work, not otherwise, working to make a living. It has truly become a mechanical way of existing, not living, in my opinion. It has truly become a way of imprisoning ourselves.

So, you’re probably wondering “what was the real purpose of the ‘industrial revolution’ anyway?”. I think it was to mechanise the entire life on Earth, and by that I mean the entire human life as well. Also, it had the purpose of gaining more power, more control especially over the comercial routes back then and to monopolize them to become a one world trademark.

It started with the so-called steam engine, it continued with the internal combustion engine but this so-called revolution spread even in the fields of education and work, labour. It was a sort of equalization of everything and everyone to the point of becoming one identity. It wanted to patent everything, the likes of which you can see in the world today, more recently in the fields of agriculture and food industry. But that was the key word, industry. It wanted to make everything mass-produced. That was the end of handcrafts, or it should’ve been, and the end of good quality products. But the transformation didn’t occur imediately. It took hundreds of years, from the second half of the 18th century by now. Of course, not all the products released were or are of poor quality, thank God it’s not that, but many of them are now with a limited lifespan. After that, they break. :)

This revolution tried to industrialize everything. Of course, the war industry increased its figures. Wars were supposed to become more powerful and deadly. Mankind’s toleration and believing in their leaders’ decisions went to the extremes, to the points of being accomplice to many crimes. Were we deceived? I think, big time! :| But did we allow it? Yes we did! And for that we are held accountable even today! :|

But why did we allow it? In the art of war there is a very interesting thing about the inner traitors. As long as a citadel or a castle has inner traitors, the enemies can infiltrate very quickly and destroy it.

Furthermore, the expansion of this industrialization into the fields of education and intelectuality, I think ravaged the world with the strenghtening of ideologies that were born thousands of years before. These ideologies evolve even as we speak. But at the time of the industrial revolution, the ideologies, very promising in the beginning indeed, hypnotized the world, meaning us, human beings, into believing that we need external help for changing ourselves. Dadid Icke, a prominent english journalist, calls it “problem-reaction-solution”. It is simple to explain how it works and I think many of you already know this. You create a problem, make the world believe that it has a problem (a.k.a. “the world is bad and we need to make it a better place”), even unconciously, and then people react and still you, come with a solution that leads people to you and your “shopping plan”. You want to buy the world with deceit.

The world didn’t, it does not and will not have any problem whatsoever. We are the ones who have problems. The world is fine and is here for us to become its master by becoming masters of ourselves. The problems are within our own minds. If we change the way we think, if we transform our way of thinking, the world will become a better place indeed.

Let’s take Nature for example. In the last 50 years or so, there have been many scientific discoveries on the fields of food, agriculture, medicine and health etc. So far, so good. But when it comes to food and agriculture our world today is beginning to be filled, unfortunately, with genetically modified organisms, both vegetable and animal alike. These are all useless. Initially, and supposedly, they were created for feeding the world, for there are millions of starving people in this world. This is a good intention but who impoverished them in the first place? We did with our consumerism and the so-called wealthy people with their greed. So, now we want to address this issue and correct it? ‘Fraid not!! This is one of those cases, like I said, or “problem-reaction-solution”. We should correct it by giving from our own well fortunes. In this way, hunger in Africa, for example, will come to an end.

The GMO’s (that is what they are called) are laboratory modified organisms and are not even close to being healthy and nourishing for the world. Plus, they destroy the land making it sterile, meaning that it will be useless to even plant some mere seeds there because those modified plants, for instance, do not allow any other plant to grow there, even after they’re gone. After the damage done there is no turning back. So, they try to correct Mother Nature! This is where we are at!? :| I think this is both absurd and laughable at the same time.

Like I said, the world, Mother Nature, our planet has no problem. She can sustain herself very well and can sustain us too. She can nourish us, give us shelter, protect us and teach us many things, all at the same time. That’s why she is our Mother. :)

Many consumer products that appeared throughout the course of history in the last two hundred years we can live without. Let’s take the Coca-Cola example. I guess you probably know who invented this formula: a chemist, not a nutritionist. And examples like these are many in the world. Our current educational systems were created by officials from the administrative domain, not by teachers, educators or pedagogues. Many like these are in the wrong places, my friends.. places of high importance in the world! :| I am not kidding!

In order to make shoes, we need shoemakers. In order to make cloths, we need tailors and in order to make art, we need artists. Everyone in their own place, that is what we need. I, myself, am sick and tired of things out of their places in this world and fanaticism. These two, together with ignorance and habit filled the world with bloodshed and a pain.

So, in conclusion I will say that we should stop thinking so much and start living. The world has so much to offer us.

That is it for this part. See ya in the next one. :D

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