Did you know that we still need wisdom in order to succeed in life? We need knowledge too, but wisdom is how we use knowledge.

The wisdom of the ages, the spiritual wisdom of the ancients speak not only to and for the human soul, but to his or her spirit as well. This is not about the dogmatic religious faiths and believes, devoid of any profound interpretation, but about the wisdom of all religions, philosophies and cultures.

So let’s drink from the wine of the sages!

Yugen – Constientizarea Profunda a Universului

Yugen – Constientizarea Profunda a Universului

Yugen (幽玄 - japoneza) - o constientizare a Universului care declanseaza raspunsuri emotionale prea profunde si puternice ca sa fie descrise in cuvinte. Nebuloasa Fantoma, de Tyler Young Yugen este un concept important in estetica traditionala…
Zen si Arta de a Trai Profund

Zen si Arta de a Trai Profund

In artele traditionale din Asia se pune mult accentul pe practica intensa pe termen lung, astfel incat sa se atinga mereu un nivel mai inalt de dezvoltare a abilitatilor. Are loc si un antrenament mai profund al caracterului pentru a reduce…
De ce am speranta fata de viitorul lumii – Dalai Lama

De ce am speranta fata de viitorul lumii – Dalai Lama

Mesajul lui Dalai Lama in lume Aproape sase decenii au trecut de cand am plecat din patria mea, Tibet, si am devenit un refugiat. Gratie amabilitatii guvernului si oamenilor din India, noi, tibetanii ne-am gasit o a doua casa unde putem trai…
18 advices from Dalai Lama for a peaceful life

18 advices from Dalai Lama for a peaceful life

Keep in mind that great love and great achievements involve great risk. When you lose, you do not lose the lesson. Follow the three "R": respect yourself, respect the others and responsibility for all your actions. Remember that not…
Verbal Aikido: Use Empathy to end Conflicts

Verbal Aikido: Use Empathy to end Conflicts

Verbal Aikido is a style of transformation and resolution of conflicts involving the treatment of the "attacker" as a partner and not as an adversary. This style may seem very counter-intuitive at first, but protecting yourself and the others…
Cele 10 vorbe ale sefului tribului Oglala Lakota care pun la indoiala societatea moderna

Cele 10 vorbe ale sefului tribului Oglala Lakota care pun la indoiala societatea moderna

Luther Standing Bear (Urs Stand-in-picioare), cunoscut, de asemenea, sub numele de Ota Kte era un sef de trib Oglala Lakota, bine-cunoscut in istoria americana, un autor, istoric, profesor si filozof nativ american nascut in 1868. Oglala Lakota…
Schimbarea Paradigmelor: Alinierea cu Intelepciunea Naturii

Schimbarea Paradigmelor: Alinierea cu Intelepciunea Naturii

Vezi simplitatea in ceea ce este complicat. Cauta maretia in lucrurile mici, in Univers; lucrurile dificile sunt realizate ca si cum ar fi simple. Lao Tsî, Tao Te Ching. De zeci de ani, specia umana ne-am aflat la un moment de cotitura…