Tag Archive for: photoshop
Patronatul Român – web interface redesign, version three
Hey folks!
I'm glad to get back again with another installment of graphic design.
I have successfully finished another version for the commissioned web site redesign for the Romania Patronage Confederation in our contry and am glad to show…
Patronatul Român – web interface redesign, version one
Hey folks!
I came back with another post in this section of graphic design. The Romanian Patronage Confederation commissioned me to redesign their website from ground up. And so I have started to design three versions of the first page to show…
Exquisite Web Menus – Graphic Design Photoshop Elements
Hey folks! Glad to be back with another creative post in this section of Graphic Design talks and articles. :D
Today I'd like to present some graphic design UX/UI web elements, a trio of exquisite web menus. They're made in Photoshop,…
Deziluzia “realitatii” in fotografie
In zilele noastre, in asa-numita era digitala, in fotografie, practicantii sai ne confruntam cu anumite neintelegeri din partea oamenilor care nu cunosc mai nimic despre fotografie sau despre arta fotografica, in special in ceea ce priveste…
Creating a flat design audio player in Photoshop CS6
Today I'd like to give you this written version of the tutorial on how to create a flat design audio player using Photoshop CS6.
We'll start off first by creating a new document. So, as I like to use keyboard shortcuts, I'll say Ctrl…
Din Bucegi – sa cream fotografie..
O fotografie nu este finalizata pana nu este "developata". Este ca si cum am creste si culege ceea ce am semanat mai de mult.
Am revenit in Bucegi dupa o luna. Este un lant muntos foarte interesant, plin cu multe lucruri frumoase si unul…
Tacerea dinaintea furtunii – calatorie fotografica
Dintre muntii pe care i-am vizitat, cutreierat de la noi, pe Muntii Bucegi i-am cam ocolit. Am fost prin sud, la Claia de Piatra de la Lespezi, la Urlatoarea, prin Diham, mici trasee. Dar nu m-am aventurat, inca, pe creasta, pe platoul Bucegilor.…