Tag Archive for: mountains


Photographic Projections: Open-mindedness in photography

The Dalai Lama once asked the great Henri Cartier-Bresson: "- What makes you a good photographer? - The ideal moment that must be predicted and expected. - Hmm, so you live a good period of time in the projected future and after you make…

Winter Sketches – part IV

Spring has come, finally. :) But this is not what's all about in this article. Winter Sketches Photography Project continues for there still is snow in the mountains. There are moments in the practice of photography when it is necessary…

Music of Photography: Highlighting the Mysterious

Where words fail, music speaks. - Hans Christian Andersen. When I started the "Music of Photography" Project I didn't know what to expect, but I felt the need to make this and I had one goal in mind and one yearning: I knew that there is…

Winter Sketches – part III

Winter photography seems to enjoy a special treatment from photographers, both passionate amateurs and professionals, all over the world. First of all, when we say winter photography we say, like, nature photography, although it is not necessarily like…