Tag Archive for: fractal

constiinta, dinamica fluxului, fractal
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Natura Fractala a Realitatii

Facem cu totii parte dintr-o singura realitate fractala in desfasurare Viata inseamna sa plutesti pe marea turbulentelor, sa aluneci pe vartejuri si curenti si sa inveti pe parcurs ca Natura este asa cum este pentru fiecare dintre noi care…
The Fractal Geometry of Nature

The Fractal Geometry of Nature

The history of fractals is not long. It began in 1975 with the revolutionary work of mathematician Benoit Mandelbrot, "A Theory of Fractal Series", which later became his manifesto book "The Fractal Geometry of Nature". Mandelbrot invented…
Professor Florian Colceag: “I can prove that God exists and acts” – first part

Professor Florian Colceag: “I can prove that God exists and acts” – first part

Dear friends, I invite you to read an interview with Professor Florian Colceag, mathmatician and geniuses' coach in Romania. Although this interview has been taken in 2013, I am sure it will still be useful to you: "Florian Colceag doesn't…