
Music of Photography: Thinking otherwise

Last Updated on August 1, 2016 by Patrick

Humility is not thinking less of yourself, it’s thinking of yourself less.
Rick Warren

Thinking otherwise came into my mind recently and I had to reflect upon it. When I started, so to speak, to analize this subject matter, another crossroad came in front of me, while on the path of learning: when and why did we start to think negatively?

Obeying my natural flow of learning made me look deeper into music and I found some notions, some interesting information related to what I wanted to understand, the scales, the diapason as an instrument and as a musical method in general and notions about voice music, so to speak, about choir musical works etc. The latter made me look deeper into what we call baritone. We all know that a baritone is an equivalent to a male’s voice in music uttered or rendered to its normal low pitch. This is the voice of a commander, a chief or a matured master of his own domain, of his own house. This is what I could understand while analizing it. It implies faith in the world and in oneself.

If there is no faith, there is wandering on and about aimlessly, without a purpose. And this leads also to delinquency and to all sorts of infractions, or crimes, if you want. It leads to chaos and destruction.

The diapason is actually the one in tune with the natural universal harmony. It is a singer of the Universe.

There is one sort of negative ideology that festers into our mind and I think it’s the most dangerous of them all that are spreading in our world and that is that of defeatism which leads to fatalist thinking and to self-punishing existentialism. It makes us think less of ourselves which is actually a false pretense of humility, of humbleness, actually, of modesty. It is not at all, it is a self-punishing fantasy, as I said above, which impedes us to whip ourselves whenever we have the opportunity. Although this may seem hard to understand and to cope with by talking about it, it is actually the number one problem of the world.

Have you ever asked yourselves what is wrong with our world and with us? Have you ever wondered why there are so many things not working in this world and why we made life so difficult for ourselves and for others? Did you ever wonder if we can heal ourselves and the world from this illness of negativity and impulses of destruction? Have you ever wondered, for example, if there is any solution for our world and for us? I know I did. And I found that there are tons of solutions and we can find them anytime and anywhere we want and we can even apply them easily. But why aren’t we applying them, actually? Because we haven’t changed our thinking habbits. We are still ill in our minds and this makes us not interested in changing the world, in changing ourselves.

But did you know that we are a thought away from actually doing it? All it takes is just to start changing and the rest will follow. It will become more and more easy along the way, so to speak. It will actually give us the greatest pleasure we can ever experience because it pleases our Soul, our Conscience, our true nature. So all it takes is just to start changing here and now. And it is not difficult either, but we are afraid most of the time to do it because some of us haven’t tasted it yet, haven’t experienced it by now. But once we experience it we can feel its flavour and we know its taste, we know what it brings us: accomplishment of the soul. It is an accomplishment for us to see that we have healed the world, we have made it a better place, because we have changed. :)

Naturally we are wisdom lovers. By nature we love to think otherwise, to work with ourselves, to be smart, intelligent and freeminded, so to say, to be generous and always showing our goodness to others. All it takes is just to be in the right environment where we are not bothered by others’ negativity. But actually, our obstacles are in our minds right now, unfortunately, and we have to deny them, to forsake them, to cast them out. It is ill thinking which brings nothing but chaos to the world, unbalancing the scale of universal harmony. Actually, the environment gives us what we gave. If we gave negativity, the environment will give us negativity, if not done by now. So all came from us. The change starts with us.

I think we need to get back to Nature, as I always state, and to learn from Nature because we lack the natural education, the sort of education that is the nurturing conscious science of oneself, that in harmony with the outer nature, if you want. Harmony must be restored in ourselves in order to stop destroying the world.

Can we think of a world without trees, for example? What would it be like if there would be no trees, no plants whatsoever to nourish us, to sustain us? Would it be any air to breathe, any water to drink or any food to eat? How about all the other living beings depending on the very existence of the trees, the forest critters or the domestic animals grazing in the forest? What of life, what of the world…?

When we are humble, we don’t think of ourselves too often but rather we think of the others. How may I help, how may I serve and how may I do it well enough to satisfy all souls and the world in general? This is the actual question that revolves in our mind time and time again. :)

Baritone Diapason - thinking otherwise

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