
Music of Photography: A Time to Speak or Sing

Last Updated on August 1, 2016 by Patrick

Music expresses what cannot be said which is impossible to remain silent.

Victor Hugo

Music, as I said, is always with us. There isn’t a day without listening to music in our lives. It is a part of who we are, actually.

In the photography world there is the industry of photography that makes everything going on in it be mass produced. There is no room for creativity. It’s just pure production on a “conveyor belt”.

In this industrial photography world the photographer is just a robot, a machine that produces photos for the sake of the photos. Commercial photography is one aspect of it. Then there is also the judicial aspect in which the laws and regulations imposed upon the medium are limiting and fringing the photographers to just mass producing photographs without questioning why, without being and thinking, if possible, outside the box and also tells photographers what rights they have. It is another world than the normal world in which we were born. It is a termite-like society, so to speak.

The photographer is no longer the artist and even the photographic art has no profound content, is just art for art’s sake, only something tingling the emotional center of gravity for the feelings and not stirring any questions that sound like “what if?” or “why this?” and “why that?” etc. It is made only for the mere emotional pleasure. But unfortunately, we ignore that emotions come from a creator and they are the sign of consciousness.

The industrialization of photography and art in general made them all be trivial. The real meaning of photography and art was forgotten. But now it is time to be reminded again. ;) Many photographic artists feel this.

Humans are not mechanical constructs, are real conscious beings. More and more people around the world have started to realise this.

We were and still are, unfortunately, in the winter of our civilization. What was civilized back in the days of yore, or back in the golden age, is now almost gone. The majority of people have taken the downward spirral road to involution and mass extinction. The fanaticisms of the world have almost entirely consumed them to the point of no return. One of the deadliest ideological fanaticism was and still is existentialism which meant to transform mankind into a one sided, narrow minded and limited cluster of biological machineries being dissapointed with the outcomes of their past, of history. Too bad, one may say! Too radical and harsh, another may say! I say it is the bare truth when we look at it. It is not my personal subjective opinion but rather something that anyone can verify.

Where are we going with this, actually? Have you all asked yourselves this? To oblivion, to total destruction, where to? Dissapointed we are, but on ourselves actually. And then there is the ill will…

The idea of musical progression lingered in my mind for some time now and I want to reflect upon it. There is a musical notion in tempo called “crescendo”. The tempo, which can include the rhythm also, increases its speed and even complexity, likewise its frequence or its overall pitch. Extrapolating this in Nature we find this to be the law of evolution. It is a law, because it’s accomplishing itself day by day, moment to moment etc., and it means to grow, to progress and even complicate the energies that reside and flow in Nature. You must remember that everything is energy, even matter is.

Unfortunately, the pseudo-scientists of today with their evolutionist theories say that there is only evolution. But in music there is no such thing. Evolution has its counterpart. Crescendo has its counterpart called “diminuendo” or “decrescendo”, followed sometimes by “al niente”, or fading to nothing, to silence. The tempo decreases its speed to a point where it becomes very slow or to a point of utter silence. There is expansion or dilatation and there is contraction. There is departure and there is return. Everything happens as such in Creation.

But the pseudo-scientists of today have a way of interpreting things that is, many times, completely absurd. Their logic is crippled and they ignore many aspects of the world. Their way of thinking is completely reactionary, unfortunately, and it reveals the fact that they don’t think for themselves at all, but rather they repeat the memes, which I mentioned in the previous article of the project, that many others before them spread from their minds, being infested with the same viruses.

When someone who wants to investigate honestly the arcanes of science and asks them for their opinion can verify what I said above and the fact that they have no evidence for their statements. “We do not know yet?” – they say, yet they never knew nor they will ever. It is only a hypothesis, a presupposition. They even say that matter has no conscience. But aren’t our physical bodies material? Then, who inhabits our bodies if not us? And what are we?.. :D

So, evolution exists in Nature and so does involution, its twin sister but opposite. Also there is another kind of growing that I want to emphasize right now and that is the growing of our inner garden. Evolution and involutios as well showed us some things that we need to remember. Our journeys were of progress and regress. But what is the instrument for the growing and diminishing? I think it is the Conscience, the witness and the protagonist of the journey. And then there is free will coming from the knowing and being self-aware. Then this other journey starts.

We can never forget who we truly are, even if one day we may “lose” everything we accomplished. There is this certain knowing of our capabilities and potentialities. Nothing is lost only reduced to silence. ;)

In the world of art, not only in photography, it happens that many of us have gone on an unnatural journey of growing quantities instead of qualities.

Quantities are not about measure but about control. We seek control of ourselves and of others expanding our own ego in the process. Quantities are also not about accumulating goods but about power. So we are unconsciously looking for power and control over what? Over what cannot be quantified, measured or labeled, held in place. It is not about money, nor about fame, but about proving ourselves that we can do it in the world, in life. Money and fame are just means to an end.

But why prove it to ourselves? Who told us that we are weak or powerless, that we cannot do anything or that we can do very little? Who put these memes, these psychological songs into our minds? The problem is that we helped cultivate this worldwide among ourselves because we cultivated them in our own inner garden and now they are fully grown.

Qualities are about letting go. No attachments and no desire brings fulfillment with qualities of joy. Look at children, for example! They are freeminded and carefree, but not careless, like the false education’s results in our adulthood. They are pure and natural in expressing their ideas and feelings and also creative, but above all else, revolutionary.

The other kind of growth I want to talk about is revolution. This word, this notion was missinterpreted and missunderstood, or better yet, not understood at all, throughout history by most of us. We thought it meant violence, competition, war, sacrifices through bloodshed and this for what? We said “for peace”. But actually we meant “for our own peace of mind”, or for controlling our mind. And that lead to putting our minds in shackles and sending them to jail, confined within a cage of four walls and prinson bars. That is not control! That is another kind of reduction to silence. That is a crime.

Our song does not end here even if we kill it willingly. It continues to play.

Let it grow, develop and then let it diminish by itself, after your work is done!

Crescendo - music, photography, music of photography

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