Last Updated on August 1, 2016 by Patrick

I thought of writing about this today and it looked quite amazing to me. To understand this is to finally arive at a place in which you are really in a state of self-awareness, but before this the magical journey of redescovering yourself, begins. The whole philosophy of the master and servant is to be understood only through conscious living it.

I discovered that in order to become a master, one must first become and live as a servant, but in this state of mind, body and soul, many people confuse the servitude of the servant with the obligation of becoming a slave to the one they serve.

A servant is free who offers service to other whenever possible, and whenever he or she wants, unlike a slave who is bound to the one who works for. The latter doesn’t have a life of its own and works only to please the other even if he or she is exploited day in and day out.

The mentality of the slave we can see today in every aspect of life due to our attachments. In order to be free, to think, feel and act freely, I think one must dettach oneself from the very things or persons he or she is attached to. That is not easy to brake but once done, it offers the correct alignment of mind, emotions and will. And by correct I mean such an alignment that brings harmony between the giver and the taker, because it’s a mutual partnership. We are all both givers and takers. But once the right alignment is done we can all live a significant life because the universe we live in is significant and full of knowledge that nurture the soul.

The servant is not bound to anything and yet bound everything, connects everything and everyone he or she comes into contact with. The biggest servant that offers everything is the one we call God, though we have many other names as well for such a divine presence. Unfortunately, the word God has become a tabu and the conversation about it has an air of arrogance and ignorance due to one’s own preferences. Among those preferences is the one called “my religion is the best”.

God is not bound, or attached to anyone or anything and can give freely and without prejudice not having an eye for everyone. God doesn’t have preferences and we are all equal in His eyes.

Einstein used to say “I want to think like God does, all else is details”. In conclusion, a servant becomes a free thinker, he or she becomes a thinker like God.

Yet a slave is a thief dressed in a servant’s clothes. It hides the attitude and mentality of a thief that is frustrated with not having a life of his or her own. The next thing is to forcefully take it to fulfill his or her dreams. Unfortunately, once it’s done, more thievery is about to come with no end untill repentance. But that requires a loud call from within, a conscious look in the mirror.

When one becomes a servant is ready and actually becomes a master because of the work he or she is doing. That is the principle on which all universe is sustained. By becoming a servant one becomes a master of taking care of everybody and everything. :)

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