Ideology comes from within – part II
Last Updated on August 1, 2016 by Patrick
I want to talk about two things in this chapter. The first is about the needs of the people, of the society, in comparizon with the decision-making machine so-called “The Government”, and the second is about the medieval reactionary thinking. Now, the latter seems a little bit too categorically, radical and labeling. It is not. It is what it is. In the Middle Ages there was this weird, collective thinking process among people of all ages and social categories that really degenerated and submerged society even more. There were two kinds of reactions: the refusal and the abuse. All of the reactionary thinking of that time, as weak as it was, have been based on those two kinds of unconscious reactions that still rule today among us. Ideologies spread like dandelion spores in almost every corner of the world.
Now, when I say that ideology comes from within, like I said, I mean it comes, it originates in the profoundities of the human psyche. We have all of these godless thoughts within our own minds. Are they necessary? Ultimately they are not, after we have understood them.
Getting back to history, I can see clearly that most ideologies have two characteristics that may surprise you: the first is that they have nothing to do with the people, with us, and second they are the results of us reacting to certain social situations, even problems that we faced throughout time in order to defend ourselves, to equilibrate ourselves. Fair enough! But the outcomes were disastrous, unfortunately. :| Society is now even more submerged into this unconscious collective that we live in.
I am only going to name a few ideologies that were the most popular and that influenced our lives on a high scale. I will mention positivism, darwinist evolutionism, spiritualism, bolshevism that evolved and changed its name into communism, fascism, nazism, capitalism, imperialism and existentialism. They seem a long list but bare with me. I will say a few essential words about them.
As you can see, all of them end with the suffix -ism. There are intellectual people who seem to be some sort of rebels and react against this suffix. They seem to be affraid of it. But fear has nothing to do with understanding. If we understand them we will, then, transcend them. They will no longer bother us and they will go away. Lesson learned has no use anymore and it dissapears. :)
This suffix reminds me of the word fanaticism which is actually what they really are. Now, bare in mind that this latter word is not so negative as it seems. In fact it means the preference people have to something or to a certain idea. It means being a fan of something which can be actually healthy depending on the fact that if the preference is actually healthy or not. Unfortunately, most of our preferences, ideologies, isms, if you may, were, are and probably will be unhealthy. They rob us of who we are, meaning they have their residence in desire.
Another characteristic these ideologies have is the fact that they are vengeful. Let’s look at how darwinist evolutionism came into being, of course, as a reaction against the monastic clergy back then. It was the ongoing and eternal war between so-called science and so-called religion back in those days of the Late Middle Ages and during the beginning of the “Industrial Revolution”. And I am sure many other ideologies that end with the suffix -ism have the same characteristic and origin: vengeance.
None of them had or have anything to do with people, with society or the individual, they seem like the desire to “do something”, come up with a solution for the demand of mankind. Nothing wrong here, but what these brought us were lies, false paths and no solution whatsoever, except for those which had a certain use for us, which helped us in some way.
Now, I want you to focus on these latin words, for they came into my mind recently, just like this, out of the blue, so to speak: Vox Populi, Vox Dei .
Ok, so what do these words mean? Literally they say that The Voice of People, The Voice of God(s) . Strangely, it came into public attention back in the 18th century England and they were meant to get back the power of the people as a resurrection of real democracy. But they have a deeper meaning, actually. They meant to tell us that people have to dictate how their rulers should be and how they want to be educated, led, on what path they need to go. That is why I said that many of these ideologies, if not all of them, have nothing to do with the people of any country. Not only they rob us of who we are but they also rob us of the right to govern ourselves as well, even by governing society, which means us as a whole, and by dictating where to go in our lives. If you go outside, take a walk on the streets of your town or village, if you look around you, everyone is minding their own business. But the nowadays governments seem to have a lot of problems to deal with. Many of them, again, if not all of them, are truly weak and incompetent in making decisions, in finding solutions to the day-to-day challenges we all face. All of the laws and regulations are faulty, plus they do things, they conduct businesses that are unhealthy, risky and damaging to all of us, in the name of the country and its people. Why is that, actually? :)
So, that is the main thing with this latin saying, that people, the students, the ones who learn to live, dictate how, when and what to learn, what they need, and leaders shouldn’t impose any kind of education upon people, any kind of ideology, because an ideology is meant to teach us something, if those ideologies are not requested by the people and only dictated by the leaders own will. That is what’s all about, really. :) We dictate and they work for us, coordinating us. But unfortunately, reality is exactly the opposite.
So what about the voice of God, or Gods? What does this mean? To me is really simple. Let’s take a look at what happened in Iceland, for a minute, recently, what with the bailout and the sanctioning of those world bankers that went there to impose their own financial rules upon Iceland and its people. Well, the president of Iceland faced the fact that he had to trust his people in coming up with the solution to balance their situation. He either let those bankers take lead of their economical powers in the disadvantage of his people (that meant financial enslavement for him, his country and his people, and bankrupcy) or trust his people, listen to them making the decision and going after those rogue bankers and sanction them. Fortunately, he went for the second option, he listened to his people. This, my friends, is real democracy . ;)
So, what does this have to do with God? Everything! By letting people deciding and the leaders taking action accordingly, this is really the voice of God. He gives us everything we need voiced by the people shouting out what they need, not only to survive, but to thrive. And this is all about thriving. So, we have to trust ourselves, and by trusting ourselves we trust in the very wisdom that created us, so said Lao-Tsu, the great Tao master of Ancient China. So, if we trust ourselves, if we even trust in our peers, we trust in God. As above, so below. No doubt about it! ;) That’s why I said this is really simple for me.
And then ideologies have no use anymore. Everything will unfold naturally, with ease and life will be fulfilling for everyone of us. Trust is at the base of it.
That is it for now. I’ll see you in the next part. ;)
P.S.: Yes, it’s not over yet. :D I’ll talk about the human mind and the reactionary thinking in the next part of the series of articles. Stay tuned! :D
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