Emotions, colours and photography
I mentioned in one article about the psychology of colours and their use in photography, but now I need to tackle the subject of tonality in photography.
I was returning from the photography store one day of April, in my city, and just…
Is religion to be feared?
Religion is a very tight topic, nowadays, isn't it? Well, I think it's about time I state my views on these matters.
People, nowadays, fear religion more than anything in the world and this, I think, is because they fear religion being imposed…
Gradele Luminii – un mic studiu asupra treptelor fotografice
Vorbeam la un moment dat cu cineva care m-a intrebat de ce trag mai multe cadre in rafala decat este necesar (in mod normal un singur cadru pe imagine este de ajuns), eram intr-un refugiu langa Varful Ascutit al Masivului Piatra Craiului. I-am…
Frumusetea Naturii – partea a II-a
Frumusetea Naturii nu consta in culoare, nici in forma, nici in aspect, nici in specie, nici in gen sau familie, nici in peisaj sau detalii macro-fotografice, ci in Lumina. Frumusetea consta in Lumina. Voi urma Lumina! Toti fotografii urmeaza…
The world is our mirror
I noticed, recently, in our behaviour a distinct pattern of carelessness, indiference, apathy towards the world we live in, and in particular towards our fellows and towards nature. It appears to me that it is a lack of respect which goes deeper…
The Beauty of Nature
When photographing outdoors one can wonder where to start, what to photograph, what could be a pottential photographic project that I can get myself into or what should I do. I think most outdoor photographers are nature photographers.
Life and Recreation
On my recent trip to the country side, I've raised myself a few questions that have long been on my mind, stayed there and waited to be expressed, or I should say asked. The first question is "what is life?" and the second one is "what is the…