Did you know that we still need wisdom in order to succeed in life? We need knowledge too, but wisdom is how we use knowledge.

The wisdom of the ages, the spiritual wisdom of the ancients speak not only to and for the human soul, but to his or her spirit as well. This is not about the dogmatic religious faiths and believes, devoid of any profound interpretation, but about the wisdom of all religions, philosophies and cultures.

So let’s drink from the wine of the sages!

2021 Zen around the clock

2021 Zen around the clock

Ok, so, I came up with 12 zen philosophy aphorisms to practice this year, which I've called 2021 zen around the clock. One can practice them one per day, or one per month, whichever suites better. Let's get right into it: 1. Don't…
Pe o strada noroioasa – 101 povestiri zen
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Pe o strada noroioasa – 101 povestiri zen

Odata, Tanzan si Ekido mergeau pe o strada plina cu noroi. Ploua cu galeata. La un colt, intalnira o fata care nu putea traversa strada. – Vino, fetito, ii spuse Tanzan, si o lua in brate si o purta pana pe trotuarul celalalt. Ekido…
12 quotes by Confucius that will uplift your life
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12 quotes by Confucius that will uplift your life

Whenever you are down, depressed, disapointed, unsuccessful or in trouble in your life, somehow, it is always necessary to go back to the ancient wisdom so you can start all over or continue what you do if it is just, helpful, true and…
Un Buddha – 101 povestiri zen

Un Buddha – 101 povestiri zen

In epoca Meiji, traiau in Tokyo doi mari invatati, foarte deosebiti intre ei. Unul, Unsho, profesor la Shingon, respecta toate preceptele lui Buddha. Nu bea bauturi alcoolice si nu mai manca dupa ora unsprezece dimineata. Celalalt, Tanzan,…
Sa lucrezi ca pentru Dumnezeu
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Sa lucrezi ca pentru Dumnezeu

La moartea tatalui sau, un tanar mosteni o avere insemnata. Pe patul de moarte tatal il indemna pe fiul sau sa foloseasca o parte din averea pe care i-o lasa in scopuri de binefacere, iar acesta ii fagadui. In satul acela era un zidar…
Amerindienii spuneau ca gandurile negative provoaca suferinta mintii, corpului, sufletului
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Amerindienii spuneau ca gandurile negative provoaca suferinta mintii, corpului, sufletului

Fiecare persoana, indiferent de cultura, religie sau etnie este ghidata in viata de anumite vorbe de intelepciune care determina diferentele dintre oameni si genereaza caracterul fiecarei persoane in parte. De multe ori, cele mai la…
Chinezul fericit – 101 povestiri zen
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Chinezul fericit – 101 povestiri zen

In diferintele cartiere chinezesti din America exista statuia unui barbat solid, cu un sac in spate. I se spune Chinezul Fericit, sau Buddha care rade. Se numise Hotei si traise in timpul dinastiei T'ang. Nu voia sa i se spuna maestru…