Psychology means the Science of the Soul (psyche – soul, logos – science, word, speaking). Much is written out there, in the vast library of the world wide web and in the libraries of this physical world we live in, but only this etymology is mostly ignored. We talk most about human psychic defects and very little about the core values of the Soul or Conscience and what it means to be conscious and this needs to be reverted in order to balance the scale in this domain.


The cogwheels of day-to-day life

It is paramount for us to understand that tools less used tend to harden over time, even tools never used and when we begin to use them they seem hardened and difficult to set in motion. Everything has a beginning, some people say, and…
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Greseala de a fi tu insuti

Permite-ti sa gresesti! Ori de cate ori "o dai in bara", adu-ti aminte ca aceasta face parte din tine, este un functionalism al tau. Nu-l condamna, nu-l pedepsi, nu-l reprima, dar nici nu-l lasa sa refuleze totul ca o teava sparta! Greseala…
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De ce sa-l faci cand poti sa-l falsifici?

E o vorba romaneasca: "interesul isi poarta fesul (pe ochi)" . De multe ori ignoram aceste zicale din batrani, iar de cele mai multe ori ne incercam norocul. Mai era o vorba romaneasca: "scopul scuza mijloacele" . Ochelarii de cal pe…
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Ideology comes from within – part I

Back a few hundred years ago the "Industrial Revolution" started and with it, a new era in mankind's social, psychological and economical life. Many people today heard of this age that very much changed the way we think, feel and act. It was…
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The Calling

I'd say "why climb a mountain when you can stay at the foothill, or in the valleys, boasting on your inferiority?". Tough question, isn't it? :) More or less each and every one of us have a calling for doing certain things in life. Some…
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Politica – bat-o vina!

Era cazul sa scriu ceva despre acest aspect. Politica! Acum este din ce in ce mai populara printre oameni. Se dezbat mii si mii de idei pe aceasta tema. Cele mai interesante cazuri sunt cele legate de Rusia si Ucraina, mai nou conflictul si…

Tehnologia nu ne poate face mai buni

In zilele noastre se pune un foarte mare accent pe tehnologie. Avem aparate foarte multe si foarte sofisticate care, conform spuselor noastre, ar trebui sa ne faca viata mai buna. Dar oare poate un computer sa opreasca cearta dintre un sot si…