Politica – bat-o vina!
Era cazul sa scriu ceva despre acest aspect. Politica! Acum este din ce in ce mai populara printre oameni. Se dezbat mii si mii de idei pe aceasta tema. Cele mai interesante cazuri sunt cele legate de Rusia si Ucraina, mai nou conflictul si…
Tehnologia nu ne poate face mai buni
In zilele noastre se pune un foarte mare accent pe tehnologie. Avem aparate foarte multe si foarte sofisticate care, conform spuselor noastre, ar trebui sa ne faca viata mai buna. Dar oare poate un computer sa opreasca cearta dintre un sot si…
Is it nature or nurture?
I think it's both.
I was reading an article on the myth of talent and this just struck me. We are indeed born with our talents, whatever those may be, but I think their in a state of potentialities meaning they're not yet developed. They're…
Momentul Prezent – partea II
Este o enigma pe care incercam cu totii s-o intelegem. Problema este ca mergem pe drumul gresit spre aceasta, nu folosim metoda adecvata.
In zadar incearca marii intelepti ai lumii sa ne invete despre acest lucru. In zadar incercam sa…
The world is our mirror
I noticed, recently, in our behaviour a distinct pattern of carelessness, indiference, apathy towards the world we live in, and in particular towards our fellows and towards nature. It appears to me that it is a lack of respect which goes deeper…
On nothing to hide
There is quite an unusual trend nowadays where some people hopped up on social media, especially google plus and facebook, think that it's good to share experiences, stuff on the internet etc., having nothing to hide. This expression, "nothing…
The Art and the Artist
The personal journey of everyone of us is artistic and Art should be personal, intimate and of our own. Everyone of us is held account for our own actions, our own creations no matter what art form is used, whether sculpture, photographic art,…