De ce nu merg lucrurile in societate?
Iata, dragii mei, ca astazi o sa vorbim un pic despre societate, despre bunul mers al lucrurilor si de ce nu functioneaza cum trebuie aceasta societate in care traim. Vreau intai sa ne lamurim asupra cuvantului societate, ce inseamna el de fapt…
La ordinea zilei – talente nemasurate
Nici nu stiu cum sa incep acest dialog cu voi. Ma gandesc ca fiecare dintre noi este o fiinta talentata insa prea putin vorbim despre acestea ca si cand nu e un lucru asa de important, ca si cand a vorbi despre vocatie inseamna a vorbi despre…
Ideology comes from within – part III
Ok, so in the last part of this series I've talked a little about the reactionary mind and how it functions. I'm now going to detail this subject because I think it's crucial, paramount to understand it. Without this, we would always be slaves…
Ideology comes from within – part II
I want to talk about two things in this chapter. The first is about the needs of the people, of the society, in comparizon with the decision-making machine so-called "The Government", and the second is about the medieval reactionary thinking.…
Ideology comes from within – part I
Back a few hundred years ago the "Industrial Revolution" started and with it, a new era in mankind's social, psychological and economical life. Many people today heard of this age that very much changed the way we think, feel and act. It was…
Politica – bat-o vina!
Era cazul sa scriu ceva despre acest aspect. Politica! Acum este din ce in ce mai populara printre oameni. Se dezbat mii si mii de idei pe aceasta tema. Cele mai interesante cazuri sunt cele legate de Rusia si Ucraina, mai nou conflictul si…
You got to stand up for yourself – the way of peace and harmony
"One drop of love dilutes tons of conflicts" - Master K. K.
Indeed it is true. Whenever we keep our temper, whenever we respond in life with kindness, love, compassion and understanding, our rewards are totally different than when we are…