Education is part of our lives and by it we live day by day. It comprises what we do, how we do the things we do, who we are and why we live.

Education, I think, is the basys of a good, accomplished life in service for, thus serving ourselves.

Desparte-te de obiceiuri rele pentru a fi mai productiv
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Desparte-te de obiceiuri rele pentru a fi mai productiv

Nimic nu-ti saboteaza productivitatea atat de mult precum obiceiurile rele. Ele sunt insidioase, se urca pe tine incet pana cand nici nu mai observi daunele pe care le cauzeaza. Obiceiurile rele te incetinesc, iti scad precizia, te fac mai…
Malpraxis Educational: Procesul de Fabricare a Copilului

Malpraxis Educational: Procesul de Fabricare a Copilului

A cere copiilor sa indeplineasca obiectivul in testele standardizate este ca si cand i-am face sa indeplineasca o cota de vanzari. Copiii nostri nu sunt marfuri. K. L. Nielsen. In multe tari din intreaga lume, in prezent, are loc o lupta…
Professor Florian Colceag: “I can prove that God exists and acts” – part 2

Professor Florian Colceag: “I can prove that God exists and acts” – part 2

We will continue from the previous part with our inverview: "D0: The Romanian cultural model you cited earlier was strong enough to resist communism and do we now have something to save? F.C.: The seam of this pattern is very old. It belongs…
Professor Florian Colceag: “I can prove that God exists and acts” – first part

Professor Florian Colceag: “I can prove that God exists and acts” – first part

Dear friends, I invite you to read an interview with Professor Florian Colceag, mathmatician and geniuses' coach in Romania. Although this interview has been taken in 2013, I am sure it will still be useful to you: "Florian Colceag doesn't…
10 human needs education should consider

10 human needs education should consider

Written by Solomon Marcus, mathmatician, titular member of The Romanian Academy. He taught as a professor at the Faculty of Mathematics at the University of Bucharest. He wrote many books regarding the use of mathematics in linguistics, in…
10 human needs education should consider
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Don’t quit your dreams!

I went shopping the other day and, while I was browsing the aisles, I saw a girl walk by me who was wearing a black t-shirt that had this slogan written in white: "Don't quit your dreams!". Now, that was really a revelation for me. You…
10 human needs education should consider
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Forta unui Tata

Mi-a venit acum in minte sa scriu aici despre o treaba foarte importanta mai ales pentru noi, barbatii, baietii, dar si pentru femei, pentru fete, despre rolul de tata. E adevarat ca nu sunt intr-o masura tocmai potrivita de a scrie despre acest…