Abstractions: In Light we trust

Abstractions: In Light we trust

Last Updated on August 1, 2016 by Patrick

There are imbeciles who call my work abstract. That which they call abstract is the most realistic, because what is real is not the exterior but the idea, the essence of things.

Constantin Brancusi

Ever since the beginning of visual arts in our civilization, light has been the number one study and the main concern for artists all over the world, whether it was simple secular art, so to say, or religious, esoteric art with profound meanings for the human soul, for the human conscience.

I think light is the most mysterious thing in the Univers and artists, as well as scientists, are studying it day in and day out, non-stop, because it resides in everything created. The said subject fascinates everyone, actually.. and I confess, including me. :)

How can one art practitioner not be fascinated with the core subject matter of one’s own works? Light is not a muse, it’s simply its essence, and yet, we get lost in details very quickly.

Abstract art, on the other hand, if done properly, with success of heart, mind and soul, it can bring about the understanding of the essence and projecting it onto the canvas, so to say, onto the score, the sheet or onto the printed paper and so on.

Light in abstract art is revealing the essence in the most artistic and personal way possible for the respective artist who creates one’s work of art. But how is this artwork coming about? Out of thin air or out of an inspiration of some kind?

I think we need light in order to envision the subject of our artwork and this provokes within us the clairvoyant act of imagination which is not of this world, but of the world of thought, the mind.

But we need to recognize it first in order for the relationship between the artist and his or her subject matter, or muse etc., to take actual place. Some people say that reality here in the physical is the most tangible. But what about light in the upper levels of within cast upon certain things or phenomena we need to see?

This is what happened to me recently.. quite recently. I see the door to my room opened, one night, and am surprised by the forms of the lights on the walls and ceiling. Their simple shapes resembling corners, triangles and such, amazed me and I immediately prepared my photo gear, set up my tripod, put my camera and lens on it and started composing. The forms, their relationship, their fake juxtaposition and the natural vignette made by the overall darkness (lack of light, one may say.. but I consider a low light situation) on the ceiling were more than interesting, although I’ve seen them before, but now I paid the attention they deserved.

It is beautiful to see one rather avoidable moment of light cast upon a wall, the ceiling etc., right next to you. These moments, which are rare and “out of this world”, connect us with the universal vastness that need and calls to be explored. The abstract (light) is also in us. :)

abstract photography, photography, abstract, abstractions, light

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