You’ve explored our Cydrone Creation Studios and now we’d like to welcome you to our Cydrone Archetypal Academy. We are concerned with archetypes and symbols and we enjoy studying and applying them into our lives, since we already live in a world of archetypes. We talk about sacred geometry, fractal mathematics, the natural world, arts and crafts, science, psychology and spiritual life, also about the great thinkers of mankind who made a huge difference and upon whose shoulders, nations, peoples, society, the entire world stands. We bring tribute to them, we honour them by showcasing their lives and works and by studying them thoroughly. We also enjoy listening to their quotes. Thus, their legacy is kept alive with these presentations we give here.

Oh, and not to forget! We’d like to bring a triplet model of thinking and acting making it our motto: Education, Creativity and Originality first! The acronym is E.C.O. We work and study by being e.c.o., that is to say, educational, creative and original.

We also inspire people to find meaning in their lives, to think, to practice their own vocation, to occupy their place in the world and to harness their own, what we like to call, dharma. Education is, thus, the approach we take on life. Hollistic education, we like to call it and put into practice, which is interconnected, an interdisplined kind of education of all there is to study. However, education is, nevertheless, self-education and we strongly believe in the giving of the exam before giving the lesson. We are our own masters and evaluators. We learn to live and we live to learn!

So, again, welcome and enjoy your stay, and study with us!

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Gradele Luminii – un mic studiu asupra treptelor fotografice

Vorbeam la un moment dat cu cineva care m-a intrebat de ce trag mai multe cadre in rafala decat este necesar (in mod normal un singur cadru pe imagine este de ajuns), eram intr-un refugiu langa Varful Ascutit al Masivului Piatra Craiului. I-am…

Indemn catre reverenta inimii linistite – despre muzica orientala sau orientativa

Cand m-am intors din Piatra Craiului ieri, in masina am discutat cu o prietena despre muzica orientala. I-am spus ca am observat ca fetelor, femeilor, le plac sau sunt atrase mult de muzica orientala, atat arabeasca, turceasca, cat si indiana…

Frumusetea Naturii – partea a II-a

Frumusetea Naturii nu consta in culoare, nici in forma, nici in aspect, nici in specie, nici in gen sau familie, nici in peisaj sau detalii macro-fotografice, ci in Lumina. Frumusetea consta in Lumina. Voi urma Lumina! Toti fotografii urmeaza…
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The world is our mirror

I noticed, recently, in our behaviour a distinct pattern of carelessness, indiference, apathy towards the world we live in, and in particular towards our fellows and towards nature. It appears to me that it is a lack of respect which goes deeper…

The Beauty of Nature

When photographing outdoors one can wonder where to start, what to photograph, what could be a pottential photographic project that I can get myself into or what should I do. I think most outdoor photographers are nature photographers. As…