
8 signs showing that you change your personal vibration

Last Updated on April 26, 2016 by Patrick

The Universe is made of energies vibrating on different frequencies – from plus to minus infinite. I am not telling you anything new. I know, you are my friend on this website for some time now, and you know or you are new here and I know you are eager to find out. I address to you in both situations. And I tell you this: it’s time for the frequency of your personal vibration to grow and for the positive things to get into your life.

Positive emotions generate high vibrations

Let’s recap to find out that there are higher frequencies and lower frequencies. Generally, lower frequency vibrations are associated with depressive thoughts, negative emotions, poor health and, if not, near to zero spiritual awareness. On the other hand, higher vibrations of the Being are associated with great thoughts, positive emotions, a good health and a very strong spiritual awareness.

Joy attracts joy and negativism attracts negativism

Therefore, the lower the frequency of your personal vibration the more likely it would be that you attract in your life stressful situations, difficult people and unfortunate events. So, (I know.. I repeat myself but I’m doing it on purpose :) ) it’s time for the frequency of your personal vibration to grow and for the positive things to get into your life.

Many people feel the impulse to change the essential conditions of their lives. They have the impression that the fundamental principles directing our culture are wrong, that they are designed in such a way that they make us become uniform, removing a large part of the diversity of the concept of humanity. Are you really a part of this wave? Here are the signs that give you the sought answer: YES!

1. You depart from the negative habits

Saturday night rhymed, for you, with you and your friends gathered around the table in the club, smoking like turks, drinking strong drinks and munching on stick snacks and chips. But suddenly, last saturday you haven’t felt the need to keep them company. Instead, you stayed home browsing the internet in search for solutions to save the planet – organic foods, combating harmful pesticides, fighting pollution. And you haven’t even touched the glass of alcohol. It is a clear sign that you are on the way of taking distance from you current low vibration.

2. The world seems not to make sense anymore

The way the elections are running in the country, the way the city works, the way you work is organized at your job – nothing seems to make sense anymore. Everything seems to be more complicated and sophisticated than it seemed until yesterday. It’s not a proof that the respective systems were, in their beginning, badly made and dysfunctional, but that they have evolved towards being a grim parody. And you, just now notice the “evolution”. Better later than never!

3. The compassion for all beings gets you

It doesn’t necessarily mean you become an advocate of veganism, not killing the animal world and bringing it to your table. It simply means that you’re beginning to open your eyes in the sense that you realize the destructive direction to which humanity it’s being committed. And you’re fervently looking for solutions for yourself to become an antidestructive being, a constructive one.

4. You become aware of your own influence

Each and everyone of us can be an extremely influent being. And you begin to realize this and behave as such. As a big first step forward, you traing your voice to say it out loud and clear what you have to say.

5. You give more than you get

You surprise yourself: you began to notice the world to ascertain what are the majore problems we face. Hunger, poverty, inequality, the destruction of the Planet are now realities upon which you concentrate. You can’t stay at the theoretical level, you feel the need to get involved, to do volunteer work or donate to support humanitarian causes. Here is a strong sign of change happening within you.

6. You forgive and forget more easily

You fought all your life with this inner enemy: the incapacity to detach yourself from everything “such and such did to you”.. negative things, of course. You found yourself recalling indefinitely, with the same rage, episodes, replies, embarrassing, offensive, humiliating situations. Three inappropriate, inadequate, unsuitable adjectives. Your own creation that weighed you down.. just yesterday. Then you realized, with amazement and relief, that the burden is gone. Abracadabra! It doesn’t matter anymore, you wiped it out. Does it mean that you have forgiven, that you have forgotten? No doubt! The ability to forgive others developed by itself. Next step – the capacity to forgive yourself – will be done the same. It is a clear sign that you make way for love in your life. ;) And the frequency of your personal vibration grows rapidly.

7. You are grateful

Gratitude is a feeling “equipped” with a top vibration. The fact that this feeling lives you more and more often is one and the best news you could ever get. You are grateful for the apparently small things which you haven’t noticed before, although they are what matter the most: you’re healthy, you have what to put on the table, you have what to raise your children with and, more important, you know how to raise your children, what to teach them etc. etc. Simple things, basic things! What’s important is that you recognize the blessing behind them and you are aware of it. Peremptory proof that you function on higher frequencies.

8. You love and give love

Love is the highest vibrational frequency possible. So, why should you wonder of the fact that, ever since you glow love and empathy around you, it is answering to you with warm smiles and solidarity? Animosities have gone, rivalries are history. The Universe gives back to you what you send: positive energy. And your life just got a new meaning.

P.S.: Remember! If you haven’t got here yet, you’re just a thought away from changing your life. And that thought is your choice. Nothing more. ;) (translator’s note)

personal vibration, meditation, consciousness, awareness, life change, changeSource: 8 semne ca esti in proces de schimbare a vibratiei personale .

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